Studying in a new country is amazing, as you get to learn English by making new friends and speaking to native people, you can visit some cool places and its nice to experience a different culture!

However, sometimes things happen that you are not happy about.  If you are not careful, it could end up ruining your trip out here!  Do you know that you can speak to us at Kaplan if you have any problems?  Doesn't just have to be about visa or University applications!  If you are ever unhappy - maybe about your class, homestay, not making many friends or not feeling comfortable generally, then let us know!  Jenna is the welfare officer here, and that means she is here to help with any problems you have. 

Also, you can help each other!  Lee's class are going to write some problems and solutions below...do you agree with the advice?

Because the students enjoyed looking at old photos of the teachers sooooo much - here are some more!  This time we have pictures from the administration staff too!  Can you guess who they are????