For the next few weeks, we will add some advice to give new (and old!) students to help them get used to living here.  Last week, two Kaplan classes asked some students what advice they would give.  Have a look and see what you think! 

This week - we are looking at what students wish they brought to the UK before they left their country.  Is there anything you miss??  Is there anything you didn't expect?!  Imagine it is the night before you are leaving to come to England....what do you wish you put into your suitcase?

When we asked the students, most of them said an umbrella!  That's not surprising because it has been the worst summer in a long time and we have had below average temperatures.

They also said jumpers, a rain coat and good shoes – no matter what time of year you arrive!

Now its your turn!  What do you think?  Write some comments below :)