So...you have arrived in England and you need to change the money from your country to English currency!  How did you do that?  Do you have a bank account in England?  Did you do it yourself or did you get your host family/ the staff at Kaplan/your friends to help you? 

Do you know where you can exchange money?  Where can you get the best exchange rate?  Which places charge commission?

Maybe you changed the money in your country?  If so, how did you feel about bringing so much money in your bag?  Did you have problems at customs?  Do you know how much cash you can bring into England?

Do you usually pay by card or cash in England?  Which is the best way for you?  Do you keep lots of money in your pocket?  Have you had any problems with losing money in England?  What did you do?

What do you think about the price of food/shopping in England?  Did it surprise you?

Here are some idioms - do you know what they mean?
1. Put your money where your mouth is
2. To be made of money
3. Put your money on it
4. Money is the root of all evil
5. Time is money

Soooooooo many questions!  So now it's your turn!  What do you think......?